Friday 30 June 2017


When Social Media first burst onto the scene it was hailed as being predominantly for the teens to converse in their language. Basically, it was aimed at first at them purely for the fact they were heavy users of the Internet then. All of that changed when companies and organizations in order to attract the teen audiences started using the Social media sites and conversing with them in their own language.
Today, social channels like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+, etc, are all heavily being used as engagement tools for business purposes to connect with the younger audience who are predominantly on the social sites and on the Internet.
The USP of social networking sites is that they offer business people a powerful opportunity to reach out to the audiences that matter in a short period of time.
Here are a few ways that can be used to acquire new customers via Social Media:
  • HAVE A MOBILE COUPON CAMPAIGN: A mobile coupon campaign on the Social Media with discounts and flash coupons can appeal to the target audience and help generate instant retweets. Companies like Facebook, etc, have used this tactic with enormous success with a good coupon claim rate as well as customer conversion rate.
  • OFFER CONTENT THAT RESONATES DEEPLY WITH TARGET-AUDIENCE: Content is the most important aspect of marketing online, it should be fresh, interesting and appealing that should be updated at regular intervals. One way this can be done is repurposing content that can deliver highly-desirable information in varied formats across all of the Social Sites. For instance, you could have a Blog post published, then convert it into a chart or image, then later have a Podcast of it for iTunes and then an email series followed by a video for YOUTUBE and so on. While keeping these in view, it is also important to provide for interesting content since the growing number of the target audience is predominantly between ages 18-35 that watch Videos and simultaneously engage on social networks.
  • MAIN FOCUS SHOULD BE ON FACEBOOK: Among Social Media, Facebook is where the target audience spends most of their online social time. In terms of monthly active social users, Facebook is the biggest social media site and also occupies the top slot in terms of time spent as well as engagement-had. As per one market survey report, Facebook is said to capture 14.6% of Internet users time compared to just 2% for all other social networking sites. Further, Facebook also captures 16% of all page views. Following Facebook as a popular social site is Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn.
  • HAVE AN EFFECTIVE SOCIAL MEDIA POSTING SCHEDULE: Make sure to have an effective social media posting schedule else you would not be able to lure the social networking crowd. The schedule should be fine-tuned for each social media platform and audience behavior patterns. Also in addition to having an effective social media posting schedule, have own analytics schedule from time to time to gain insight into your Website’s visitors behavior.
  • ALWAYS RESPOND TO EVERY SOCIAL-MEDIA / BLOG POST COMMENTS: Remember that customers want their views to be heard, especially when they have a question or a complaint. Pay attention to those and immediately respond with the appropriate answer. Also be prompt in acknowledging their greetings or appreciations by thanking them for the same. This way, you help personalize your business.
  • USE VIDEO TO THE HILT WHEN APPROPRIATE: A growing number of social site users are watching an increasing number of Videos online. Further with the advent of long-form video content online through vendors like Netflix, etc, there has been a rise in watching period of the Videos. This gives an idea as to how important quality Videos is today online. You can as well produce edutainment Videos with engaging matter that attracts users online and keeps them coming back again and again. Now with high-class Smartphone’s, the viewership of online Videos has only gone up rapidly. There is an example of the American retail giant ‘Whole Foods’ that has created over 500 videos that are said to have been seen by over 2.8 million people.
  • FACTOR IN THE ROLE OF THE MOBILE: With the Internet being accessed more and more by users through Smartphone’s, similarly the usage of Social media sites are growing on Smartphone’s with users using them to compare prices, read reviews and get real-time opinions from their friends.
  • USE TEST-PAID ADVERTISING: Invest in paid-content promotion on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. They will help your business to target a very specific audience. Apart from being extremely powerful and effective, they are also quite affordable. Facebook Advertising is a good example of this.
  • FOLLOW SOCIAL INFLUENCERSSocial Media Sites can be used in an effective way to connect with well-respected bloggers and industry experts (called the Social Influencers for what they say matters to customers) and generate the buzz required to make your business and product/service known. You can also try out sharing of other brands content and tag them if you believe they will resonate with the target audience.
  • USE YOUR WEBSITE TO CONNECT TO SOCIAL SITES: Get your website visitors to connect to your social sites by providing recognizable buttons that are synonymous with the social sites like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc.  The buttons can be added just above the fold on the sidebar OR at the bottom of the screen, on the Website. Make sure that they are recognizable and can be spotted with ease.
To extract the best out of Social Sites, always ensure to put relationships first since it forms the basis of social media marketing. Overall, the purpose of using Social Media Sites should be – obtaining a value for your business, boosting your business credibility and building trust with the target audience.

If you’re looking for an expert hand to help you customize your Social Site accounts for your business requirements and needs, then there is no better choice than top Digital Marketing Agency in Hyderabad, Digital Rank. With its immense experience and expert knowledge on Social Media, leading Digital Marketing Agency in Hyderabad, Digital Rank is well-placed to cater to all of your needs within your budget and on time.

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