Friday 30 June 2017


When Social Media first burst onto the scene it was hailed as being predominantly for the teens to converse in their language. Basically, it was aimed at first at them purely for the fact they were heavy users of the Internet then. All of that changed when companies and organizations in order to attract the teen audiences started using the Social media sites and conversing with them in their own language.
Today, social channels like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+, etc, are all heavily being used as engagement tools for business purposes to connect with the younger audience who are predominantly on the social sites and on the Internet.
The USP of social networking sites is that they offer business people a powerful opportunity to reach out to the audiences that matter in a short period of time.
Here are a few ways that can be used to acquire new customers via Social Media:
  • HAVE A MOBILE COUPON CAMPAIGN: A mobile coupon campaign on the Social Media with discounts and flash coupons can appeal to the target audience and help generate instant retweets. Companies like Facebook, etc, have used this tactic with enormous success with a good coupon claim rate as well as customer conversion rate.
  • OFFER CONTENT THAT RESONATES DEEPLY WITH TARGET-AUDIENCE: Content is the most important aspect of marketing online, it should be fresh, interesting and appealing that should be updated at regular intervals. One way this can be done is repurposing content that can deliver highly-desirable information in varied formats across all of the Social Sites. For instance, you could have a Blog post published, then convert it into a chart or image, then later have a Podcast of it for iTunes and then an email series followed by a video for YOUTUBE and so on. While keeping these in view, it is also important to provide for interesting content since the growing number of the target audience is predominantly between ages 18-35 that watch Videos and simultaneously engage on social networks.
  • MAIN FOCUS SHOULD BE ON FACEBOOK: Among Social Media, Facebook is where the target audience spends most of their online social time. In terms of monthly active social users, Facebook is the biggest social media site and also occupies the top slot in terms of time spent as well as engagement-had. As per one market survey report, Facebook is said to capture 14.6% of Internet users time compared to just 2% for all other social networking sites. Further, Facebook also captures 16% of all page views. Following Facebook as a popular social site is Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn.
  • HAVE AN EFFECTIVE SOCIAL MEDIA POSTING SCHEDULE: Make sure to have an effective social media posting schedule else you would not be able to lure the social networking crowd. The schedule should be fine-tuned for each social media platform and audience behavior patterns. Also in addition to having an effective social media posting schedule, have own analytics schedule from time to time to gain insight into your Website’s visitors behavior.
  • ALWAYS RESPOND TO EVERY SOCIAL-MEDIA / BLOG POST COMMENTS: Remember that customers want their views to be heard, especially when they have a question or a complaint. Pay attention to those and immediately respond with the appropriate answer. Also be prompt in acknowledging their greetings or appreciations by thanking them for the same. This way, you help personalize your business.
  • USE VIDEO TO THE HILT WHEN APPROPRIATE: A growing number of social site users are watching an increasing number of Videos online. Further with the advent of long-form video content online through vendors like Netflix, etc, there has been a rise in watching period of the Videos. This gives an idea as to how important quality Videos is today online. You can as well produce edutainment Videos with engaging matter that attracts users online and keeps them coming back again and again. Now with high-class Smartphone’s, the viewership of online Videos has only gone up rapidly. There is an example of the American retail giant ‘Whole Foods’ that has created over 500 videos that are said to have been seen by over 2.8 million people.
  • FACTOR IN THE ROLE OF THE MOBILE: With the Internet being accessed more and more by users through Smartphone’s, similarly the usage of Social media sites are growing on Smartphone’s with users using them to compare prices, read reviews and get real-time opinions from their friends.
  • USE TEST-PAID ADVERTISING: Invest in paid-content promotion on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. They will help your business to target a very specific audience. Apart from being extremely powerful and effective, they are also quite affordable. Facebook Advertising is a good example of this.
  • FOLLOW SOCIAL INFLUENCERSSocial Media Sites can be used in an effective way to connect with well-respected bloggers and industry experts (called the Social Influencers for what they say matters to customers) and generate the buzz required to make your business and product/service known. You can also try out sharing of other brands content and tag them if you believe they will resonate with the target audience.
  • USE YOUR WEBSITE TO CONNECT TO SOCIAL SITES: Get your website visitors to connect to your social sites by providing recognizable buttons that are synonymous with the social sites like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc.  The buttons can be added just above the fold on the sidebar OR at the bottom of the screen, on the Website. Make sure that they are recognizable and can be spotted with ease.
To extract the best out of Social Sites, always ensure to put relationships first since it forms the basis of social media marketing. Overall, the purpose of using Social Media Sites should be – obtaining a value for your business, boosting your business credibility and building trust with the target audience.

If you’re looking for an expert hand to help you customize your Social Site accounts for your business requirements and needs, then there is no better choice than top Digital Marketing Agency in Hyderabad, Digital Rank. With its immense experience and expert knowledge on Social Media, leading Digital Marketing Agency in Hyderabad, Digital Rank is well-placed to cater to all of your needs within your budget and on time.

Friday 23 June 2017

Role of Digital Marketing in Healthcare Industry

With good and sound health becoming the need of the hour and healthcare outlets mushrooming in strength across Hyderabad and across India and the world as well, there was an urgent need for something available instantly and immediately online on mobiles, Smartphones and computers. This is where Digital Marketing has stepped in.
Today’s patient’s being digital savvy do not always listen to a single doctor’s advice but would also research varied Websites, Blogs and Social Media mediums, looking for other doctor’s advice as well and also to find out about Healthcare companies and professionals available in the area. Furthermore, they are also being used by job candidates interested in making a career in the healthcare industry, to search for jobs.
  • Searching for health-related information is the 3rd most popular online activity.
  • Around 60% of healthcare needs begin with online research.
  • 76% of patients use Hospital and other medical Websites for research.
  • 77% of patients use search prior to booking an appointment with a healthcare specialist or at a Healthcare company / Hospital.
  • 44% of patients search for Hospitals on their mobile devices to look up schedules or book an appointment.
With Digital Marketing, Healthcare Marketing can be elevated to a new level. Connecting through Websites and Social Media mediums, healthcare professionals and companies can engage more clients, increase patient’s visit and eventually patients’ referrals also. All of these will ultimately lead to a more positive reputation build-up and also provide value for your investment made in Digital Marketing. However, all of these can be achieved only through the enlistment of the services of a reliable Digital Marketing Agency in Hyderabad, Digital Rank. With Digital Rank’s proven expertise, your healthcare business can earn greater ROI by increasing revenues and making your business more profitable.
  • BROAD REACH: Today’s majority of healthcare consumers seek information online (as per Google nearly 78% of patients use search engines prior to booking appointments at a Healthcare destination). While it’s true that TV, Radio, and Print are still used extensively to build brand awareness and make consumers aware of the immense value of a Healthcare company, they don’t have the same kind of reach and effect as an online medium. Not only is an online medium more effective with a wide reach, but is also more cost-effective than the offline mediums. THEN there is Social Media that allows healthcare companies/professionals to effectively reach out to consumers who matter with relevant health information. As per a survey report, nearly 1/3rd of patients use Social Media sites like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and other online forums for seeking out health-related information.
  • FACILITATES PERSONALISATION: The huge amount of data and information allow healthcare marketers to deliver highly personalized messages through Digital Marketing mediums. This way they can reach out to the right patients with the right message at the right time when it matters and also boost their overall engagement in terms of attracting and retaining patients.
  • MEASURES PERFORMANCE: Digital Marketing’s main USP is that it allows for everything to be tracked and measured. This way, the measuring campaign performance details allows Healthcare professionals and companies to make informed decisions on how to improve their efforts and better their overall performance while also crafting marketing budget decisions that are realistic and sensible.
  • Post interactive and interesting blogs on your Website and online articles with an online media outlet at regular intervals. This will increase your online visibility and also sustain your patient’s interest in your healthcare business.
  • Social Media Platform and Google Analytics can be used to learn about your audience, who they are and where from they are, the demographics and their tastes/preferences. They will provide you an insight into all of the above as well as which pages they especially like, what they read and what they like, what kind of health issues they search for and such likes.
  • Post informative Slides, Animated Videos and such likes, dealing with the most pressing health-related issues in general and also those happening across the globe. They can be posted either through your company’s Website or Social Media Site which will help your business reach out to more people faster and easier.  
  • Post positive reviews and testimonials by your patients on your company’s Website or in an article that can be later hosted on Google.
  • Enhance your local presence and reach through Social Media, Local online directories, and health forum blogs.

In addition to the above, you can also create a questionnaire posted on Twitter or Facebook and get them circulated. This will allow you to find out as to how many people have seen them and how many have answered them either on Twitter or through your Company’s website.
The best way to promote your healthcare business online is to hire a professional Digital Marketing Agency. When it comes to that, there are few better choices than Digital Rank, a leading Digital Marketing Agency in Hyderabad with an impeccable track-record of improving client’s online presence and increase the number of patients visiting their Healthcare destination, successfully.
With its team of skilled Digital Marketing professionals with strong expertise and skills in various aspects of Digital Marketing like SEO, SMO, SEM, PPC, E-Mail Marketing, Branding, Reputation Management, Content Writing, etc, Digital Rank is the best of Digital Marketing Agency in Hyderabad for all of your specific requirements.
 With Digital Marketing, the Healthcare industry has tremendous potential to grow further, expand its reach and above all, effectively engage patients who matter. By enlisting the proven expertise of top Digital Marketing Agency in Hyderabad, Digital Rank, your healthcare business can not only develop a greater understanding of consumers/patients but also can send across your targeted campaigns through Search, Social Media & Mobile, to a wide spectrum of consumers/patients, often across geographical boundaries.

Tuesday 20 June 2017

How to Build your Brand on Social Media

This is the age of Social Media and the age of the immensely popular Social Media channels like Facebook and Twitter. So intense and widespread are their reach and power that it’s virtually impossible for businesses and organizations and even individuals to grow and build their profile to a wider audience, often across geographical boundaries, without their assistance.
How the immense value of Social Media can be extracted depends upon the way organizations use them, which during the past five years has changed dramatically. In addition to using them as a marketing platform to popularize their brand and also their products/services, they are also used to build and consolidate their brand profile and enhance customer experience thereby making the whole process a delightful experience.
As a top Creative Director of a leading Digital strategy company said, “Brands and entertainers today realize the benefits of connecting and communicating directly with their audience and fans, without an intermediary.”  This shows as to how far the Social Media has come on and how ingrained they have become as a part of brands inner-marketing digital strategy. Brands are extensively using social media tools and platforms like Instagram and so on to help build their profile and reach out to the younger target audience.
 Thanks to Online Networking, Social Media Marketing has become more widespread with a deeper reach that no other marketing channel can offer. No wonder, businesses and organizations today are embracing them in droves to build their reputation and brand profile.
 Here are some tips that will help you to build and elevate your Brand using Social Media channels:
  • PICK THE BEST SOCIAL MEDIA CHANNEL: With so many Social Media channels in the open, choosing the best and the most appropriate among them is a dicey task. To arrive at the best among them, you need to weigh in the pros and cons of each Social Media channel and then accordingly make your choice. Each will have its own merits and demerits and each are good in their own way. But it is the ability to reach out to the target audience the most is what counts for a lot.
  • LINKEDIN: ideal for a B2B organization, marketing your content and interacting with fellow corporate influencers.
  • FACEBOOK: Ideal for promoting any kind of brands and because of its exceptional wide client base across all segments across geographical boundaries is ideal for advancing the brand’s profile to the people.
  • GOOGLE+: Ideal for wanting to achieve a strong presence in the technology business.
  • INSTAGRAM: ideal for brands that depends heavily on pictures like for instance, retailers and garment outlets.
  • PINTEREST: Ideal for where the target audience is women, especially good for promoting women’s products like jewelry or garments or beauty products.

  • UNDERSTAND YOUR AUDIENCE: Social media channels have varied user-base, with varied tastes, preferences and likes/dislikes. Each user-base has their own choice. It’s here you need to understand your target audience and learn why and how they interact with your brand. Then your brand needs to engage them accordingly where they fit in with your kind of target audience.
  • PUT CLIENTS AS THE CORE OF YOUR STRATEGY: Always put your clients at the center of your digital strategy. Fine-tune your marketing campaigns and offerings in accordance with their desires and requirements, and then they will engage your brand more and spread awareness about your brand within their social network. For instance, have a unique Twitter hashtag and encourage vibes from the Twitter users. This way you will get them to one place, and recreate excitement, by allowing photo and video sharing or asking what and how the products/services help and do for them, thus getting the people involved in your initiative.
  • ASK & LISTEN TO WHAT PEOPLE WANT: It’s important to know what people want and how they want it. The best way is to ask them and then really listen to the feedback you get from them. This way, you can conceive your Digital Strategy and also new marketing campaigns, contests and other initiatives based on what they have requested.
  • STAY AND BE AUTHENTIC:  In the age of copy scan and all that including people’s hawk-eyed vigil, Brands need to put out more organic and authentic content. This way they will appeal to the people as genuine and original and earn their appreciation.
  • HAVE A LINK IN SIGNATURES: Make sure that your Website and social channel accounts have links in your email signature. For instance, ‘Follow Us on Twitter’, OR ‘Like us on Facebook’. They will help to promote your brand and business products/services.
  • PROVIDE SHAREABLE CONTENT: We all know that ‘CONTENT IS KING’. If you target your audience with content that instantly appeals to them and thrills them, then ensure that your Social Media content is interesting/captivating that supports your brand. Also, ensure to have quality pictures with the content so that the audience will develop more interest in the content.
  • PROVIDE QUALITY CUSTOMER-SERVICE: To continue to enhance your social profile and maintain your customer base, you need to be fast and responsive to your audience regarding queries and answers they would want to have. You need to be alert and communicate with potential customers online with speed and quickness else they would jump onto your rivals social media channels. If you’re quick, they will get the message that you care for customers and are well-meaning towards their requirements.
  • BUILD A SOLID NETWORK: To promote your brand and products/services, you need to socialize more and deeper via social media channels. Interact with the people on the online platform and earn their goodwill. This way, you can build a strong network of people who matter. The more you can get your network to extend, the more extensive your brand will become. Remember a single connection can at times earn you multiple sales.

Social Media marketing is the in-thing today and no business can afford to neither ignore them nor use them sparingly. They are regarded as the most ideal and intense approaches to achieve new customer leads and build the brand. To get the best benefit out of them, you could do well to adhere to the above tips and also devise a concrete result-oriented Digital Strategy.

For the most appropriate Social Media solutions to help build your brand online, there is no better choice than the leading Digital Marketing Agency in Hyderabad, Digital Rank. By leveraging the immense expertise and knowledge of the best Digital Marketing Agency in Hyderabad, your brand stands to benefit and grow with each passing day into a viable and respectable brand.

Friday 16 June 2017


New start-ups are being launched almost every day and the competition just keeps getting more intense and more competitive. In such a situation, how is it possible for a Start-up company to make its presence felt in the marketplace and become a face known to the people?

It’s here Digital Marketing comes in.

Its ability to stay interactive with the people, reach out to people and above all, create the right impression on the people is what helps Start-Ups acquire more customers and later better sales.

In the Digital age, customers are smart and are always connected to digital, searching for information that matters to them on search engines, social platforms, blogs, forums, video sites and more. Therefore it makes sense for a Start-Up company to connect with them the digital way and in the right manner.


Here are a few pointers that will tell you as to why Digital Marketing is vital for Start-Ups in a competitive marketplace.

  • FACILITATES TRUE ENGAGEMENT: With its capability to project products/services more powerfully and in a cost-effective manner, Digital Marketing can provide a Start-Up company an edge over others. This way, they can reach out to the target audience better and faster, conveying the usefulness and benefits of their products/services.
  • BUILDS BRAND VALUE: With a well-crafted Digital-Marketing strategy and the right push at the right time, Digital Marketing can effectively deliver an Omni-channel customer experience with personalized interactions and coordinated actions, thereby helping the Start-Up’s brand grow and sustain over the long-term. Digital Marketing’s USP lies in its ability to operate on varied platforms from Desktops to Smartphone’s and Tablets with a consummate ease that can reach out to everyone at every corner of the globe.
  • FACILITATES BETTER UNDERSTANDING OF CUSTOMERS: By reaching out to the target audience in a sustained interactive manner, Digital Marketing facilitates robust customer experience and delivers what your target audience exactly wants. Further, it also tracks, analyses, and interprets the buying habits/preferences of the target audience. Above all, the power of Internet makes it indispensable since it can reach out to every household in India which print media cannot reach effectively.
  • INCREASES SALES:  By facilitating engagement with potential customers on a more personal level, Digital Marketing helps promote a start-up’s brand. Through sustained engagement, strong relationships get formed leading to converting potential customers into loyal customers and eventually increased sales.
  • TRACKS YOUR START-UP’S PROGRESS: Digital Marketing offers analytical tools that measure the exact number of impressions of a Digital Ad placed. For instance, Google Analytics helps measure the exact number of views your email’s generated OR the views of the Ad content on your Website.
  • FACILITATES DEEPER REACH: Online platforms can reach out to larger audiences deeply across the globe. Using Digital Marketing on online platforms allows people across the globe to learn about your start-up’s products/services. This way, your business can go international in terms of marketing that is cost-effective, yet extremely powerful.  
  • EXTREMELY COST-EFFECTIVE: Start-up companies have tight marketing budgets and Digital Marketing through its unique power offers efficient ways to target potential customers. For instance, by advertising without cost through direct contact on Social Media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, etc.


To achieve your goals, your start-up needs to have a credible and impressive Digital Marketing strategy.

  • DIGITAL MARKETING STRATEGY: Based on your target audience, conceive a Digital Marketing strategy that is result-oriented, identifies Digital touch-points and designs an effective marketing communication strategy.
  • BUYER PERSONAS: Next is to understand your buyer’s personas, always beneficial to know who you’re reaching out to and targeting. This way you can attract the right type of customers.
  • SEO-OPTIMISED WEBSITE: An effective Website with a pleasing design, flexible interactive features, interesting and & relevant images/videos is a must. Then the website also needs to be optimized for search engines with the appropriate keywords in the content so that top Search-Page ranking on search pages can be achieved. Also, the Website’s load time needs to be swift and fast, 2 seconds or less.
  • SOCIAL MEDIA PRESENCE: Social Media provides for three purposes – Awareness, Branding & Customer Acquisition, and if harnessed the right way, can help your Start-Up reach out to people who matter – investors, potential customers and anyone active on the social media.

By adopting the right Digital Marketing strategy and implementing it the right way, your Start-Up can target accurately and grow faster by attracting the right type of customers.

Premier Digital Marketing Agency in Hyderabad, Digital Rank has the right expertise and skills to provide Start-Ups with result-oriented Digital Marketing solutions that will help them maximize their online presence and achieve their goals.

By leveraging the expertise of top Digital Marketing Agency in Hyderabad, Digital Rank, your Start-Up business will not only be able to create the right impression, but will also be able to attract the right customers, generate better sales and above all, project the right profile to people who matter a lot to your Start-Up business.

Monday 12 June 2017



In the Digital Age of today’s time, business is done online and to be successful online, a business’s search engine ranking is a critical factor that determines its online presence’s success and eventual acceptance by the digital-savvy customers.

So how does a business go about in the Digital Age and be acceptable and known to the customers who are predominantly digital-savvy?

To be a success online, SEO is important for its through SEO (Search Engine Optimization); businesses can rise from the shackles of obscurity that is often lost and relegated somewhere online, among heaps of websites and other online-related materials.

SEO when executed the right way can work wonders to improve your own business’s search ranking, making it simpler and easier for potential customers to find you online.


The following factors tell as to why SEO is so important:



  • GOOD FOR BUSINESS VISIBILITY / BRANDING: The higher the website’s ranking on the search pages, better are the chances of people searching for your website’s products / services and eventually clicking through to your Website. Further, continually showing up on any number of search results indicates that net users will eventually log onto your Website. This is good for your business visibility / branding, and also for building up trust with your business.

  • BUILDS YOUR BUSINESS CREDIBILITY: By putting your Website on the first page of Google, SEO helps potential-customers to zero in businesses of your type and get interested to buy your products or subscribe to any of your services. This way, your business’s credibility becomes more solid, and trustworthy, striking a chord with the customers.
  • MAKES LOCAL EQUALLY GLOBAL: The beauty of SEO is when a search ranks features a local business alongside a global brand on the search page, it transports the local business into a new orbit straight onto the global platform thereby allowing it to enjoy exposure well-beyond geographical boundaries. This way, a global customer gets to learn about your business and your products / services, leading to possible engagement and interest in your products / services. Thus, new business opportunities get created beyond the boundaries.
  • MORE CUSTOMER-TRAFFIC: A top rank on the search page means your Website gets to attract more traffic with greater chances of the people coming to your Website being almost all qualified leads searching for businesses like yours. They have a need or interest in your products / services. By sustaining their interest, your business stands a great chance of converting the qualified leads into concrete customers.

  • PROVIDES QUALITY INSIGHTS INTO YOUR CUSTOMERS: By appearing on search, you get to learn how much and what kind of traffic that your Website is attracting. By using Google Analytics, you can track the real traffic to your Website and get an insight into such traffic: how they search, what they search for, what terms and language they use to get to your Website, the place they come from and how many times are they active on your Website. All of these are extremely valuable for they will help your business make better informed decisions and reorient your business strategies, both online and offline.
  • OFFERS ONE OF THE BEST ROIs IN ADVERTISING: A strong search ranking rewards your business at a higher rate than most traditional forms of offline advertising. This is because it allows your business to market to people who matter when they are looking for products / services that your business offers. Sounds so simple and easy considering that you hardly need to do anything extra to catch their eye and market your business products / services. This is half the battle won before it even starts.
  • SUSTAINS YOUR BRAND IMAGE / GROWTH: By consistently positioning your Website on the first page of Google, SEO helps sustain your business’s brand image and growth. It builds-up greater traffic to your Website, influence more potential customers and above all, builds a trustworthy brand image. This way your business can reap handsome business benefits for years ahead.


With just a small budget and the appropriate SEO strategy with focused effort, your Website can attain front page ranking, thus acquiring a competitive advantage, doing better business and most importantly, staying relevant in the eyes of customers who matter for your business.

However to achieve all of these, your Website should be a well-designed website with an easy-to-use interface, great features and quality content infused with the right keywords at the right place that appeals to the eyeballs of the potential customers.

For the appropriate SEO strategy and SEO services in Hyderabad, there is no better choice than Digital Rank, a leading Digital Marketing Agency in Hyderabad. By enlisting the expertise of Digital Rank, premier Digital Marketing Agency in Hyderabad, you stand to benefit from quality SEO services in Hyderabad that is value for money.

Friday 9 June 2017


Social Media is one of the most powerful Digital Marketing tools that goes a long way to

promote individual self or business and enhances the reach to more people, who most of

the time are interacting with individuals or brands through Social Media.

According to one research survey, it’s not just young adults (age 18-29) who are

using Social Media, but also an increasing number of older adults (40 and beyond)

are using social networking sites. With more and more customers on Social Media,

it’s imperative for today’s businesses to also be present on Social Media else they

risk being left behind, unable to expand their customer-reach, gain exposure

exponentially and build customer-base.

Fortunately, most businesses have recognized this shift and have taken to Social Media with

a lot of enthusiasm and commitment. Most are beginning to reap benefits in the form of

enhanced business-lead generation, made possible through a well-executed social media

strategy. End-result is that there has been not only more business-lead generation, but also

improved search rankings, more website traffic and increased customer-conversion rates.

BRAND AWARENESS: If used the right way, Social Media can work wonders to

spread and build greater Brand Awareness, thereby increasing the visibility of the

products / services. You also get to engage your target-audience and if they like your

products / services, they will share and let their friends and others know about your

brand as well as your products / services.

EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION: In any business, communication is crucial, the

better your communication with the target audience, the better it will help

enhance your business profile and image. Social Media allows you to

interact and liaison with your target audience on a personal level. This way,

the audience will view your business as responsive and accessible, ready to

cater to their specific requirements and tastes. Your business is thus viewed

positively, thereby helping improve your branding efforts.

HELPS ATTRACT INBOUND TRAFFIC: By interacting with your target audience

and influencing them, your business can win them over and thus attract more

inbound traffic to your Website. The target-audience could be different types of

people with varying backgrounds, different needs and diverse thinking processes;

attracting such an audience is no mean feat. By marketing in an effective way, your

business can reach out to a diverse spectrum of customers across geographical


HELPS IMPROVE SEARCH RANKING: By reaching out to more people, Social

Media indirectly helps facilitate effective Search Engine Optimization. This in turn will

help your Website achieve higher search-page ranking and attract greater flow of

traffic. For that to happen, it’s essential that your Social Media Page has high-quality

content that integrates your targeted keywords. This way, they will attain popularity

and your business will soon have a robust Social Media Community, a place where

followers will discuss, and share content relating to your business. Further you also

get to make an impact on industry influences who will soon post positive reviews

about your business and products / services, while providing for back-links, which

will help increase your Site’s Search Engine ranking.

HELPS GENERATE HIGHER CONVERSION-RATE: With increased visibility and

more inbound-traffic, your business could soon lure more probable-customers and

also gain opportunities for conversion. A good combination of quality content, image,

video or comment could lure viewers to your company’s Website and ensure

continual increased traffic, leading to healthier conversion-rates, with positive results

in sales. Impression is what counts for and the better impression your business

makes, the better are your chances of higher customer-conversion rate.

IMPROVED BRAND LOYALITY: Just attracting probable customers and facilitating

higher conversion-rates does not count for much. Your business needs to build a

brand loyalty with a loyal customer-base wedded to your brand. To ensure that, it’s

important to regularly engage them and build up greater bond and feeling of

companionship. With improved brand loyalty, your business too could see improved


HELPS REACH NEW AUDIENCE: By reaching out to newer audiences, your

business could witness greater sales. For that you need to have an effective social

media strategy with the ability to deal with negative feedback so as to convert them

into positive ones later and finally, convince them of the gains of being your business


CUTS DOWN MARKETING COSTS: As an effective and simple marketing tool,

Social Media Marketing provides for an abundance of opportunities for not only

maximizing the reach of your products / services, but also for cutting down

unnecessary marketing costs and expenditures.

A whopping 90% of marketers have claimed that Social Media has helped them generate

immense exposure for their business. This proves that Social Media Marketing is a

phenomenal marketing opportunity that today’s businesses cannot afford to do without or

ignore or neglect.

Premier Digital Marketing Agency in Hyderabad, Digital Rank is well-positioned to

provide businesses and individuals alike with result-oriented Social Media solutions that will

help them maximize their online presence. By leveraging the expertise of top Digital

Marketing Agency in Hyderabad, Digital Rank, your business will not only be able to

attract more customers, generate better sales and earn more profits, but also would be able

to adapt to the rapid changes that have affects advertising and marketing from time to

time, in general.

Wednesday 7 June 2017



In a globalised world, where businesses are often inter-connected within as well as across geographical boundaries, Digital Marketing has come to play a pivotal role. The impact has been such that even small businesses are being compelled to use Digital Marketing to stay relevant in the marketplace.

Today’s Digital Technologies are so sophisticated that businesses need to act smart and leverage them in a way that will appeal to the net-users, who in turn will get to learn what your business is, what it does and what it offers and how they benefit.

For any business to survive and thrive, it’s important to have a local presence as much as a national / international presence. For that to happen, make sure that you have certain essential requirements in place for that will allow you to harness the power of Digital Marketing.



  • MOBILE-FRIENDLY WEBSITE: In the age of Smartphone’s and instant clicks, it’s important to have a Mobile friendly and optimized Website. Today’s customers do most of their search and interaction on Smartphone’s and if you’re not having a mobile friendly / optimized Site, then your business risks being ignored by them or not known to them. The importance of Mobile-friendly Website can be summed up from the fact that Google had tweaked its mobile algorithm in a way wherein businesses that don’t have a mobile friendly website will lose out and not appear in mobile search results.

  • CREATE AN IDEAL WEBSITE: An ideal website is one with a clean, professional design with all the relevant information positioned in the right areas including the Business Address, Working Hours & Contact Methods. This way the net-users will get to learn of your business better and get the information that they could be looking for, swiftly and correctly. The right settings and the right information at the right areas indicates a clear call to action, getting the net-users or customers to get in touch with your company’s support-staff.

  • OPTIMISE YOUR WEBSITE FOR LOCAL SEARCH: To get local customers either on mobile or desktop, your website should be optimized the right way for local search through inclusion of information about your products / services, location and other relevant locally-related keywords.

  • ENSURE LOCAL BUSINESSES LINK TO YOUR WEBSITE: Back-links is a popular tactic used to lure prospective customers to a Website. Have relevant back-links which mean a lot in local context; when a prospective customer clicks the link, then he/she is transported to your Website. You could also have your Website as a link in a local directory portal (that lists businesses by sector or service). It’s important to note that a single link by itself won’t count for much; rather it’s the accumulation of quality back-links that enhances the viability of your website.


  • LOCAL BUSINESS PAGE: Have a local Business Page created in Facebook, Google+ Local Pages, etc. The impact will be such that these pages will appear in the local search results.

  • REVIEWS FROM LOCAL CUSTOMERS: Social sites offer Review facility that will allow clients / customers to post their opinions about your business and products / services. Positive reviews will boost your business credibility and also your local SEO efforts. Likewise, negative reviews can be taken in positive spirit and used to improve upon your business and products/services. To extract better advantage, add the invitation to review in your email signature and on your Website as well.

  • SEARCH ENGINE ADVERTISING: Google allows for local targeting through Search Engine Advertising. To succeed well, ensure that the Ad is attractive and appealing enough for customers to know exactly what your business offers.

  • SOCIAL MEDIA ADVERTISING: Advertising on popular and widely used Social Sites like Facebook, in an interesting way with the right words and photos will work wonders to increase your business’s reach and lure relevant customers in the local area.

  • MULTIMEDIA POSTS: Media-related utilities like Photos and Videos used the right way with the call-to-action, as a part of your social-media marketing strategy, can work wonders to catch the eye of net-users and convince them about your business and its offerings.

It’s also extremely vital to keep your target-audience in your mind whether its Website or Social Media outlets.

  • Update your Website & Social Sites with fresh and relevant content and photos from time to time. Know that Google likes freshness and is instantly attracted to content / photos that are the latest and freshest. This in turn will drastically improve your Site’s search ranking and also the traffic to your sites including the Social Media Sites.
  • Infuse your Website and Social Media Sites with quality information or links that are relevant and count for a lot in the current context and are also useful / beneficial to your target-audience. For instance, if your business offers electronic gadgets, try to provide links to sites or blogs containing helpful articles that gives an insight on the gadgets, how they are beneficial and how they would help the interested users in various ways. This way, they will act as an incentive and lure interested customers to click them and later interact with your business through your customer-service staff, online.

To grow and thrive, your business needs to first have a robust local presence unless it’s a business that is purely meant for global audience. By having a strong local presence, your business can attain a competitive advantage, maximize its presence in the local market and finally, help you get concrete local business and sales.

Digital Rank A Complete Digital Marketing Agency in Hyderabad. We are providing End to End Digital Marketing Services SEO, SEM, Social Media Marketing, Pay Per Click Advertising, Display Advertising, Email Marketing, Online Branding. for more details visit us