Tuesday 20 June 2017

How to Build your Brand on Social Media

This is the age of Social Media and the age of the immensely popular Social Media channels like Facebook and Twitter. So intense and widespread are their reach and power that it’s virtually impossible for businesses and organizations and even individuals to grow and build their profile to a wider audience, often across geographical boundaries, without their assistance.
How the immense value of Social Media can be extracted depends upon the way organizations use them, which during the past five years has changed dramatically. In addition to using them as a marketing platform to popularize their brand and also their products/services, they are also used to build and consolidate their brand profile and enhance customer experience thereby making the whole process a delightful experience.
As a top Creative Director of a leading Digital strategy company said, “Brands and entertainers today realize the benefits of connecting and communicating directly with their audience and fans, without an intermediary.”  This shows as to how far the Social Media has come on and how ingrained they have become as a part of brands inner-marketing digital strategy. Brands are extensively using social media tools and platforms like Instagram and so on to help build their profile and reach out to the younger target audience.
 Thanks to Online Networking, Social Media Marketing has become more widespread with a deeper reach that no other marketing channel can offer. No wonder, businesses and organizations today are embracing them in droves to build their reputation and brand profile.
 Here are some tips that will help you to build and elevate your Brand using Social Media channels:
  • PICK THE BEST SOCIAL MEDIA CHANNEL: With so many Social Media channels in the open, choosing the best and the most appropriate among them is a dicey task. To arrive at the best among them, you need to weigh in the pros and cons of each Social Media channel and then accordingly make your choice. Each will have its own merits and demerits and each are good in their own way. But it is the ability to reach out to the target audience the most is what counts for a lot.
  • LINKEDIN: ideal for a B2B organization, marketing your content and interacting with fellow corporate influencers.
  • FACEBOOK: Ideal for promoting any kind of brands and because of its exceptional wide client base across all segments across geographical boundaries is ideal for advancing the brand’s profile to the people.
  • GOOGLE+: Ideal for wanting to achieve a strong presence in the technology business.
  • INSTAGRAM: ideal for brands that depends heavily on pictures like for instance, retailers and garment outlets.
  • PINTEREST: Ideal for where the target audience is women, especially good for promoting women’s products like jewelry or garments or beauty products.

  • UNDERSTAND YOUR AUDIENCE: Social media channels have varied user-base, with varied tastes, preferences and likes/dislikes. Each user-base has their own choice. It’s here you need to understand your target audience and learn why and how they interact with your brand. Then your brand needs to engage them accordingly where they fit in with your kind of target audience.
  • PUT CLIENTS AS THE CORE OF YOUR STRATEGY: Always put your clients at the center of your digital strategy. Fine-tune your marketing campaigns and offerings in accordance with their desires and requirements, and then they will engage your brand more and spread awareness about your brand within their social network. For instance, have a unique Twitter hashtag and encourage vibes from the Twitter users. This way you will get them to one place, and recreate excitement, by allowing photo and video sharing or asking what and how the products/services help and do for them, thus getting the people involved in your initiative.
  • ASK & LISTEN TO WHAT PEOPLE WANT: It’s important to know what people want and how they want it. The best way is to ask them and then really listen to the feedback you get from them. This way, you can conceive your Digital Strategy and also new marketing campaigns, contests and other initiatives based on what they have requested.
  • STAY AND BE AUTHENTIC:  In the age of copy scan and all that including people’s hawk-eyed vigil, Brands need to put out more organic and authentic content. This way they will appeal to the people as genuine and original and earn their appreciation.
  • HAVE A LINK IN SIGNATURES: Make sure that your Website and social channel accounts have links in your email signature. For instance, ‘Follow Us on Twitter’, OR ‘Like us on Facebook’. They will help to promote your brand and business products/services.
  • PROVIDE SHAREABLE CONTENT: We all know that ‘CONTENT IS KING’. If you target your audience with content that instantly appeals to them and thrills them, then ensure that your Social Media content is interesting/captivating that supports your brand. Also, ensure to have quality pictures with the content so that the audience will develop more interest in the content.
  • PROVIDE QUALITY CUSTOMER-SERVICE: To continue to enhance your social profile and maintain your customer base, you need to be fast and responsive to your audience regarding queries and answers they would want to have. You need to be alert and communicate with potential customers online with speed and quickness else they would jump onto your rivals social media channels. If you’re quick, they will get the message that you care for customers and are well-meaning towards their requirements.
  • BUILD A SOLID NETWORK: To promote your brand and products/services, you need to socialize more and deeper via social media channels. Interact with the people on the online platform and earn their goodwill. This way, you can build a strong network of people who matter. The more you can get your network to extend, the more extensive your brand will become. Remember a single connection can at times earn you multiple sales.

Social Media marketing is the in-thing today and no business can afford to neither ignore them nor use them sparingly. They are regarded as the most ideal and intense approaches to achieve new customer leads and build the brand. To get the best benefit out of them, you could do well to adhere to the above tips and also devise a concrete result-oriented Digital Strategy.

For the most appropriate Social Media solutions to help build your brand online, there is no better choice than the leading Digital Marketing Agency in Hyderabad, Digital Rank. By leveraging the immense expertise and knowledge of the best Digital Marketing Agency in Hyderabad, your brand stands to benefit and grow with each passing day into a viable and respectable brand.

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